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Add HTML to dropdown list for output

Posted: Wed 1. Dec 2010, 17:20
by ranko
Rather than having to unselect use calibre in the Konfig (Config) all the time when I want both a ePub and a HTML version of the downloaded fanfic, simply adding a drop down option would be nice please.


Re: Add HTML to dropdown list for output

Posted: Thu 2. Dec 2010, 08:49
by Raimond
Hi ronko,

why do you have to change it all the time?
The .html file is created every time, it doesn't depend on the output format since it's the input for the format-conversion.


Re: Add HTML to dropdown list for output

Posted: Thu 2. Dec 2010, 22:34
by ranko
Is it, I dont see it.

I've got my output set to the Desktop. If I select ePub, it makes a temp file, then the ePub file then deletes the temp file.

Re: Add HTML to dropdown list for output

Posted: Sun 5. Dec 2010, 13:36
by Raimond
Hi Ronko,

for this exaple I'm using the following settings:
Output folder: c:\ffout
Author name: authortest
Storyname: storytest
Selected format: epub

You'll get the following files:
c:\ffout\authortest - storytest.html
c:\ffout\authortest - storytest.epub

If you'd use pdf as output then you'd get:
c:\ffout\authortest - storytest.html
c:\ffout\authortest - storytest.pdf

I don't create a temp file and I don't delete ANY files from your computer.
