Plugin Development - Basics

Existing Plugins, how to develope a Plugin.
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Plugin Development - Basics

Post by Raimond »

You can use JavaScript to create a plugin for a fanfictoin archive that's not yet supported.

Here's a tool that'll help you with developing your plugin:
(Version: 0.5, supports PluginEngine 1.0)

Downloading and converting a FanFiction is really simple and consists of only 3 steps:
1. Download the URL which was entered by the user
2. (optional) Request a second page with additional information
3. Analyse Chapers

Or more detailed:
1. Download the URL which was entered by the user
1.1 Check if the entered URL is OK (e.g. a script for can't work with a url from
1.2 Download the website if 1.1 was true otherwise exit
1.3 Analyse the content of the website (and return the important informations like storyname, author... to FFDL), decide if you want to request a second page
1.4 (optional) set the URL for the second page
2. (optional) Request a second page with additional information
2.1 Download the second page if a link was set in 1.4
2.2 Analyse the content of the website (and return the important informations like storyname, author... to FFDL)
3. Analyse Chapers
3.1 Download all chapters
3.2 Analyse each chapter
4. Write output file
5. Convert to pdf, ePub...

You have to modify Step 1.3, 2.2 and 3.2 to create a plugin for a new website. The above mentioned tool will help you.

Todo: write a manual
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